Flex Your Guns Workout | Upper-Body Bodyweight Workout

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Looking for a quick but intense upper-body bodyweight workout that will sculpt you some amazing arms and abs, torch fat, and get your heart pumping? Look no further! You’re here! You’ve arrived!

This 20-minute AMRAP workout is a little gem. An AMRAP, or As Many Rounds As Possible, is where you set the timer on a countdown clock and repeat the exercises until the timer runs out. They’re especially great for simple workouts with only a few exercises.

They’re also really great when you feel lazy about creating a workout. But have no fear; there is nothing lazy about doing this workout.

I love AMRAPs for upper-body workouts because unlike the lower body (for many women), the upper body gets exhausted much more easily. It makes for a really short, intense and effective workout that’s… uncomplicated. Unlike life.

With AMRAPS, the first round shouldn’t be difficult at all, but rather, you should be able to flow through it pretty smoothly. After several rounds, however, you should get fatigued.

This workout calls for a pull-up, but if you can’t do a pull-up, please check out my post on how to learn one, including some great modifications.


20-minute countdown/AMRAP

  • 4 pull-ups
  • 4 diamond push-ups
  • 6 bird push-ups

Every 5 rounds, do 14 rolling crunches.


pull up exercise

Hang from the bar, shoulders engaged. Lift yourself up so your chin is above the bar, then lower down slowly.


Intermediate: Assisted pull-ups. Beginner: Down-unders, or Aussie pull-ups. Find a bar or something to hold on to much closer to the ground. Get under the bar and hold it, your feet on the ground. Your body should be parallel to the ground. Lift yourself up towards the bar and down again. 

Diamond push-ups.

diamond push up hand formation
push up basic exercise

Do a push-up with your hands in a diamond formation.


Intermediate: regular push-up. Beginner: diamond or regular push-ups on your knees. 

Bird push-ups (knee to opposite elbow). 

bird push up exercise knee to opposite elbow

Get in a plank position. As you go down into a push-up, lift one foot off the floor and bend the knee towards the opposite shoulder. Return the foot as you come up. Switch sides each rep. 

Rolling side crunches. 

Rolling side crunches exercise

Get in a hollow body position. Roll onto one hip and bend your knees towards your chest. Straighten out, roll back and go to the other side. You can touch your hands on the floor, but keep your feet and head up.

That’s it! In only 20 minutes, your upper body should be crying from this bodyweight workout, but if you want, you can add on 10 minutes of cardio. Without it, this should still be plenty.

Flex Your Guns Workout Upper Body Bodyweight Workout
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