A Little More
About Me.

Hi! I’m Kendra.

My mission is to empower people to live their fullest lives by feeling good inside and out, in their bodies and in every aspect of their lives. Fitness is a feeling above all else; it is so much more than looking great, and concerns much more thsn our bodies in general. Fitness makes us happier, healthier, choose better habits, fight disease, find purpose, set goals, and so much more.

If you want to look your best, you have to feel your best—and isn’t that what you’re after, anyway?


Hey there! If you’re like me, you probably have a love/hate relationship with fitness, food, your body, or any and all of the above. I’m happy to say my relationship has veered more over into “love,” but it hasn’t always been that way, and it isn’t that way every day.

But I do feel like fitness has saved my life over and over again. It’s helped me with eating disorders, self-esteem, depression, anxiety, this freaking pandemic, chronic pain, injury, childbirth and postpartum healing. Note that the first few items on my list aren’t physical. That’s not an accident; the biggest benefits I’ve gotten have been mental and emotional.

I would love to show you that fitness isn’t only simple, but it can be fun and fulfilling.

About the blog.

Who this blog is for.

This blog is for anyone looking to improve their life through fitness. This can come in many forms.

Do you:

  • want to fall in love with your body?
  • want to work out, but can’t find the time?
  • want to start a fitness program but don’t know where to start?
  • find a lot of fitness blogs and information too… mmm… “bro-ey?”
  • need a change from your current fitness program?
  • get bored easily with repeating the same workout?
  • suffer from depression or anxiety, and think a fitness program could help?
  • need to find new workouts?
  • have a curiosity about calisthenics or bodyweight training?
  • want to change the shape of your body?
  • want to get your body back in shape after having a baby (or some time off)?
  • want to start having more healthy habits? (Maybe quit drinking?)
  • want to start grabbing control of life in general? (Yup, fitness can help you transform all areas of life!)

Who this blog is not for.

This blog is not for someone looking for a quick, temporary solution to their fitness woes.

Maybe that’s not what you want to hear. And that’s okay. But I won’t sell you a temporary solution.

The solution is—and always has been—to find a way to fall in love with fitness so you can make it a permanent staple of your life.

Here’s the thing: Feelings feel permanent. But they’re not. They can change, and you can change them. If you don’t like exercise but want to reap the benefits of it, you need to change your feelings about it (and yes, it’s possible).

Here are some ideas to help you get motivated about working out. Once you find a solution that you like, or don’t hate, stick with it and note how much better you look and feel.

What you’ll find here.

Most of my posts are one of two types:

  • Workouts
  • Fitness articles and tips

Occasionally, I’ll throw in something lifestyle-y, because hey, it’s my blog after all. And there are some articles about mental health, finding happiness, and even a bit of woo (manifestation, law of attraction, etc.).

But no matter what the posts are about, I like practical, actionable solutions for your fitness and your life.

My workouts are all metabolic resistance training, which basically means that they combine strength training and cardio in one awesome, neat, efficient package. And the workouts are divided into two types: weighted and bodyweight (calisthenics).

For fitness articles, I like to explore some ideas out there, and also share my own experiences. I am female, and I find the fitness world a bit male-centric (though it’s getting so much better), so I write from a female perspective, mostly for women (or female-identifying). But if that doesn’t describe you, that’s okay! My workouts can be performed (and are performed) by any gender, and you can just brush aside my casual references to fellow females.

What does “Fitwitchery” mean?

Basically, don’t overthink it.


If you do think about it, it has a lot of cool associations in there. I mean, I love fitness, (hence, “fit”), and I love magic and manifestation (hence, “witchery”). And I love that finding the key to your fitness problem can bring amazing results—like magic.

But mostly, I just thought it sounded cool and funny.

My Story

Who the heck am I?

I’m a new mom, a step-mom, an artist, an art enthusiast, a professional Tomb Raider player (not really), an amateur ukulele player (really), an Italophile, a Thomas Hardy fan (that’s the novelist, not the actor, though he ain’t bad, either) and I really like moving my body around. I also have a penchant for all things mysterious, like ghost stories and the tarot, which is why you might see posts about similar woo-woo things. I like some woo. I like science, too, though. I like to keep my feet on the ground while exploring anything that helps us live our best lives.

My fitness journey.

I had a lot of disorderly eating and body dysmorphia when I was young. I say this not because it was extreme (it wasn’t) or unusual (it isn’t), but because it has informed a lot of my fitness and nutrition choices, mostly for the worse, but I’ve used it to fuel me to a positive place.

Most of my early exercise was cardiovascular because that’s what I knew, and that’s what I thought was the best way to achieve my fitness goals. Strength training wasn’t as accessible to women back then, but also, it’s just plain intimidating. Running is easy, but how do you lift weights? There’s so much to learn! I dabbled in it here and there, but it wasn’t until I realized that I could build the body I wanted through strength training—rather than whittle my body down to something thin enough—that I started getting excited about weight training.

My problem, though, is that I find traditional weight training super boring. I also found that training for strength alone gave me neither the physical or the emotional results I wanted. So I flailed around for several years, sometimes finding a fitness DVD I loved, sometimes joining a gym or trying a class, before I realized that what I needed had to be available on the internet somewhere, right?

And it was. I found Zuzka Light, then at Bodyrock, and I found what’s called metabolic resistance training. I also found a community, another trainer I love (Tatianna at LovingFit), and a general blueprint on how to work out, have fun, keep it interesting and—on top of it all—give me a body I love.

I want to be clear about this, though: I don’t love my body just because the workouts were effective; I love my body because it gave me power and purpose back, and I could see my body in a whole new light.

Wherever you are on your fitness journey, whether it be physical or mental or emotional, I hope you find something—or, hopefully, a lot of things—to help fulfill what it is you want to do and who you want to be.

Hey, Girl!

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