Dumbbell Lower Body Workout for Badass B*tches

woman doing lunge with dumbbells
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lower body dumbbell workout

This lower body dumbbell workout is fast, simple, and simply killer.

Just 25 minutes long and all you need is one set of dumbbells (or kettlebells) and a timer.

Leg day is the best day.

It’s a meme on Know Your Meme. It’s in the Lego Batman movie (“Who never skips leg day? BATMAN!”). And a look around the gym will let you know that most men, anyway, don’t exactly love “leg day.”

And yeah, if you’re just starting out with working out, a lower body workout will put you out you more than an upper body one will. I mean, you use those legs for walking and stuff.

But men aren’t dominating the workout and gym scene as much as they used to, and in my experience, women love leg day. Or leg exercises. If you’re built like me, it feels physically good to work your problem areas. Plus, many women have iffy relationships with upper body strength (we shouldn’t, but it happens). Add to all that the fact that lower body workouts tend to have more of a cardiovascular benefit (because the muscles used are larger), and leg day is looking pretty darn great.

AMRAP magic.

AMRAP stands for “As Many Rounds As Possible.” You decide on a time limit and the exercises, set the timer and just go. I often make AMRAPs when I know I want to be done in a certain amount of time and don’t want anything complicated. Usually, the rounds are high-ish in number, the reps low, meaning that the first round or two through might not be the hardest. That’s okay. By the end, though, you should feel a nice burn.

AMRAPs tend to be a bit more of a meditative workout, since you’re not racing the clock like an HIIT, and you’re not trying to make it through a set number of reps. But it can get intense.

Females are strong as hell.

This workout is actually an old one I made a few years ago—when I was watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, actually. If you haven’t seen it, and like 30 Rock and offbeat comedies, do.

The opening sequence is a fake autotune news song (remember those?) and the main hook is, “Females are strong as hell!”

So, yeah, that’s what I named the workout: “Females Are Strong As Hell Workout.” Because that’s how I felt after I was done.

I’ve done this workout several times since, which I don’t usually do, by the way. But it always makes me sore—not a lot, but a little. It gets sh*t done.

It is a weighted workout, so you need a set of dumbbells or kettlebells, though dumbbells work slightly better. I used 2x19lbs dumbbells, but you might need 2x10lbs, 2x15lbs, or 2×25 or 30lbs if you’re feeling extra badass.

If you’re a complete beginner, you can do this, too. “Badass b*tches” doesn’t describe the destination, but the mindset.


Females Are Strong as Hell Workout (AKA Badass B*tches Workout)

25 minute AMRAP.

  • 10 back lunge touch L
  • 4 one leg jump up L
  • 10 back lunge touch R
  • 4 one leg jump up R
  • 16 vertical leaps
  • 16 alternating weighted side lunges

For full instructions, watch the video:

Back lunge touch.

back lunge
(Above is regular back lunge, not back lunge touch)

From standing, step one leg behind you so front leg and back leg are both at about right angles, and the top of your foot is resting on the ground. Release weight slightly and return to standing. You should feel this in the butt as well as the leg.

One leg jump-up.

one leg jump up

Stand on one leg. Squat down almost to parallel on that one leg, the other dangling down and a bit behind. Jump up in the air and land back down on the same leg. Come up to standing before starting next rep.

Vertical leaps.

vertical leap

Go down into a squat, bend forward slightly with arms behind you. Jump up in the air and think of extending your hands and feet slightly behind you.

Weighted alternating side lunge.

From standing, with two dumbbells or kettlebells in both hands, do a side lunge, bending down on one leg with the other out to the side. As you lower, push your butt back, and bend your torso forward, the two hands with dumbbells reaching close to the floor but not released (you might need to hold your hands up if you’re using kettlebells). Return to standing.

My time.

This time, I managed to finish 6 rounds exactly! How did you do?

Until next time!

Related dumbbell lower body workout posts.

Dumbbell Lower Body Workout for Badass B*tches

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