Quick Full Body Workout with No Equipment | Dragon Cardio

closeup of woman doing push up
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No time to work out? No equipment? Or maybe you need an extra full body cardio boost? Try this quick, at home, full body workout without any equipment.

Quick workouts are strong building blocks.

You need an arsenal of quick bodyweight workouts at your disposal. Why? Many reasons, but here’s a few:

Short, at-home workouts on busy days.

Some days it’s just impossible to squeeze in a workout. Or… that’s what it seems like. But usually that’s including a half hour workout, and maybe the time needed to drive to the gym, get changed, get set up, get changed again, shower, maybe even do your hair and makeup before heading back to work or the rest of your day.

But what if instead you set aside just 15 minutes—even 10—for a quick workout at home before starting your day? It may not be ideal, but this way you can keep up a weekly habit rather than “fall off the wagon,” so to speak. And you may even get a better workout in because you’re so focused.

Workout finishers.

I loooooove workout finishers, myself. I even wrote a post about it. A finisher is just a lil’ sumpin’ sumpin’ after the workout. A little workout dessert, if you will. It’s not the main meal. If you have a little extra in the tank, or you want to target a certain body part, workout finishers take a workout session from good (or mediocre) to great.

I usually do workouts for a cardio boost at the end of my workout. It gets my heart beating, my lungs working, and my endorphins blazing. A quick, full body workout with no equipment—like the one below—is fantastic for this.

Starting up, or getting back on track.

If you’re new to working out, short workouts are a great way to ease in. If you’re looking to lose weight, HIIT or any intense workout will jumpstart your system and you’ll lose a lot of weight fast—at least at first.

Likewise, if you’ve been away from fitness and need a re-entry point, quick and simple workouts can ease you back in. You also get the psychological benefit of telling yourself it’s only a short workout. It’s a lot easier to change habits when the obstacle isn’t so overwhelming or time-consuming.

In these cases, be sure to modify down to exercises that are challenging but you can handle. Bad form will cause injury, which will set you back weeks or more.

Combining workouts for a full length one.

Have time for a full workout but don’t know what to do? Sometimes it’s fun to combine two or three short workouts. Since the time commitment is only five to fifteen minutes at a time, it keeps your mind from getting too bored. And with no-equipment workouts, you can perform them anywhere—a hotel room, the beach, or your backyard.

Want a free e-book with 10 bodyweight, no-equipment quick full body workouts?

I made a thing!


I love turning to my quick mini-workouts for any and all of the reasons above. I’ve put together a FREE e-book of ten workouts needing no equipment whatsoever, all 16 minutes or less. This e-book won’t be free forever, so grab it now!


And now, we work out.

I made another thing: a video! I’m still working out how to deliver workouts on a weekly schedule without it taking…well, all week, or a few weeks. Video seems the way to go. I’d love to do one in real time, but my workouts are usually like this:

Me: [whispering] Baby’s asleep! Gogogogogogogo…

The Mr: Hey, what do you think about— [or says literally anything]


So, it’s not the best for making a video. Besides, I like the instructional style myself. But I’ll play around with it, too. Let me know what you think!

Dragon Cardio.

Really simple. This is three rounds, but when I was getting back in shape, I cut it off at ten minutes because I couldn’t take it. So, you can change to a 10-minute AMRAP if you need.

3 rounds.

  • 10 explosive push-ups with half burpee
  • 20 side jump lunges
  • 10 mule kick and jump up
  • 20 v-jump plank jumps

Explosive push-ups with half burpee.

When coming up from a push-up, jump hands up in the air. Then jump feet in towards your chest, landing briefly on the floor, and jump back to plank.

explosive push up
plank jump half burpee

Side jump lunges.

From side lunge, jump up and switch legs to do a side lunge on the opposite side. Touch floor with each rep.

side jump lunges

Mule kick and jump up.

From pike position, lean on hands and jump feet out and up, like you want to do a handstand (but don’t), then back to pike. Lift torso and jump up.

mule kick and jump up

V-jump plank jumps.

From plank position, jump both feet up towards one elbow, then back to plank. Alternate sides.

v jump plank jumps
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