A Whole New Chapter

Pregnant woman working out with balance ball and dumbbells

I’ve taken some time off. Like, A lot of time off. 

Here’s what happened:

  1. COVID 
  2. I got pregnant!
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As for #1, it’s like, “Duh, join the rest of us, and isn’t this a perfect time to write in your blog?” Well, yes, except I had a bunch of projects fall on my plate, and with the COVID stress, I just couldn’t handle it. And I told myself it was okay.

Then, I got pregnant. In August. And my workout schedule went down the drain. 

Don’t get me wrong—I still work out, but it’s a struggle. It’s also a much different speed than I used to do. Why? Well, for one, the first trimester completely wiped me out. I was working from home, luckily, which allowed me to take about three naps a day, but…that’s just it. I needed three naps a day. My body was also getting used to a lot more blood in my system (did you know your blood volume increases by about 45% when pregnant?)  and I was experiencing a helluvalot of nausea. 

As time went on, and the baby got bigger—as did I–-it was just a lot harder to work out. Even walking down the street takes a lot more energy than it used to. On top of that, I just can’t do the same balls-to-the-wall workouts I used to. I have different limits, which I’m not used to, and I’m not nearly as agile. 

My pregnancy workout routine: the no-routine routine.

My guy bought a stationary bike to use during COVID, and while I’ve never been a fan of it in general, it’s been a lifesaver. Running was my go-to cardio, but as the weather got colder and I continued to get bigger, it wasn’t so much an option. Now, I love the bike. I aim for about four 30-minute exercise sessions a week, and I try to make one of those a bodyweight or simple weight-lifting routine. I look forward to sharing these in the near future.

But if I can’t do it, I can’t do it. Some weeks it’s three times, some two, and some weeks I never get to it altogether. And that’s okay. 

Moving forward.

I never planned to write a “mommy blog” and I’m still not sure if this will become that. To be honest, I’ve struggled with how much of myself to put into the voice of this blog. This post is one to say hi, let you know what’s going on, and clear a path to start afresh. 

I’m really excited to share insight on fitness from my new perspective, which has maybe been lacking in the past. I also look forward to talking more about other topics, from self-help to coping to parenting to beauty

Here’s wishing all my readers a safe, happy and healthy 2021. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and these are especially difficult times. Be well!

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